Thursday, September 25, 2008

Coffee Break: The Ultimate Blend

I abandoned my post for a while to concentrate all efforts on paying bills but a break is needed.

I've been told I'm a bit of a coffee snob.
I have 3 makers (french press, espresso, and standard) and a grinder.
I add it up to trying new things. For me, the french press is where it's at.

Most baristas will tell you, a french press is the way to go and one of the purest devices for extracting the natural flavor of coffee.
I've had a lot of different brews, blends and roasts.

My go-to is french roast.
Most variations of it in it's bold, dark, full-bodied form is a palette pleaser but I like experimenting and found quite possibly, The Ultimate Blend.

Here's the recipe:

1 part Standard run-of-the-mill Columbian

1 part Costa Rican Reserve (whole bean, freshly ground)

1 part Kona Reserve

This heaven sent amalgam of richness, bold and sweet rivals Blue Jamaican (minus the fruit notes) and is exactly the liquid inspiration needed to start the day off right and kick the creative funk.

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