Sunday, September 27, 2009

Social Media: Enough, already!

Their social norms and social rules
We're social scum and they're social fools
They tell us all their social lies
Ignoring all our social cries

Lyrics to "Social" by the band Squirt Gun

## I'm tired of hearing about Social Media and I'm tired of thinking about it as a topic for discussion. So, this will be the absolute last word on it from me ever.##

Everyone is into Social Media to some extent.
Most are on Facebook and twitter.
I use both but prefer twitter for it's limitless potential and customizable interaction.
Facebook is what it is and twitter can be whatever you want it to be.

Keep this fact in mind.

It's nearing a year since I started using twitter and in the course of a year, I've seen a lot of marketing types reinvent themselves as social media experts. I even followed a few and as a result, a few hundred more followed me.

I wish no ill will on these people and I'm glad to see Darwinism evolve at this newest stage, but I detest the concept of monetizing expertise in this arena and the sense of entitlement that often accompanies it.

Saying you're an expert in Social Media is like saying you're really good at using soap.

There are no experts in Social Media.

Budding start-ups and established corporate giants alike shouldn't feel threatened by it and they definitely shouldn't feel obligated to hire a guide.

This isn't the Amazon jungle. It's just another meeting place.

Social Media as twitter and/or Facebook has been blown up to ridiculous proportions by those who look to serve their own interests by blanketing the truth.
What truth? That social media is easy.

No instruction booklet, secret handshake, or decoder ring required - just talk.

Talk on a human level and on a business level. Just talk. Directly and indirectly.
In a box or with a fox - just talk.

Be they friends, colleagues, customers or entities, the same principles apply to social media that apply to basic conversation and human interaction.

Say hi. Ask questions. Be interesting. Answer questions. Be friendly. Inform, entertain, educate, and engage.

The only restrictions are the 140 character limit on twitter and the realization that you will finally give in and take that damned stupid 80's movies quiz on Facebook.

Everyone is practicing personal branding and everyone is marketing themselves.
Social Media in all its forms is just another way of starting up a conversation.

Just talk.